Implementation of binary search tree with fine-grained locking and lock-free methods
This is the final project of 15-418/618: Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming, Fall 2021. The team members are: Ye Lu, Sean Zhou
Project proposal
You can find our project proposal here
You can find our milestone report here
You can find our final report here
You can find our raw benchmark data and diagrams presented in the final report here in google sheet
Project progress
✅ 11.3 - 11.8: paper reading and implementation decisions discussion
✅ 11.9 - 11.15: implementation of fine-grained locking BST
✅ 11.16 - 11.21: implementation of lock-free BST
✅ 11.22 - 11.25: Implement harness program and design workloads (Sean)
✅ 11.26 - 11.29: Preliminary correctness test with harness program (Ye)
✅ 11.30 - 12.2: Benchmark on fine grained lock BST and optimization (Sean)
✅ 12.3 - 12.5: Benchmark on lock-free BST and optimization (Ye)
✅ 12.6 - 12.9: writing final report and prepare for poster session (Ye, Sean)